

昨天手痒,把CenTos6.5升级到CenTos6.6了,但升级结束后却发现我无法拨号上网了,NetworkManager连接程序一直显示一个红叉.把我吓一跳,因为我的系统里安装了很多的程序,如果要重装系统的话还得重新安装这些程序,非常麻烦. 一下子着急上火了. 然后到 /var/log/messages日志里总是不停的提示以下的错误.搜索整个网络也没有相应的解决方法,我还特意给GNOME和NetworkManager官方发了求助邮件,但可惜没有收到他们的回复.没办法,只好自己折腾.我以为是因为NetworkManager升级的源故,因为这次系统升级的包里刚好有几个NetworkManager的更新包.于是我把NetworkManager的所有程序全部remove了,然后重新安装这个版本的NetworkManager,但也没有得到解决,仍然是无法连接网络,再继续排查messages日志也没有得到思路. 幸好我在升级之前留了个心眼,我用我自己写的那个RucLinux system information script脚本获取了所有的旧版本详细配置信息,然后在升级完成后又再次用这个脚本获取了新版本的详细配置信息.在没有更好办法的情况下,我只能使用笨方法,将这两个信息一条一条的对比,看看新旧版本在哪有出入.经过一天的对比,终于让我发现问题所在并最终得到解决了.原来在yum update过程中,系统自动将rp-pppoe-3.10-11.el6.i686这个程序remove了,所以造成没有办法使用Pppoe进行连接网络.因为旧版本里是有这个程序的,但新版本的所有安装程序里却没有这一个. 于是我便下载这个程序安装,问题得到完美解决,这里将方法写出来,以便以后遇到同样问题的朋友们可以参考借鉴.
RucLinux system information script V0.96 :

NetworkManager 连接 网络 解决 方法


Messages error:

localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  NetworkManager (version 0.8.1-75.el6) is starting...
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  Read config file /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  trying to start the modem manager...
localhost modem-manager: ModemManager (version 0.4.0-5.git20100628.el6) starting...
localhost modem-manager: Loaded plugin Generic
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  monitoring kernel firmware directory '/lib/firmware'.
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  Bonding/Bridging/VLAN support disabled
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:    ifcfg-rh: Acquired D-Bus service com.redhat.ifcfgrh1
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  Loaded plugin ifcfg-rh: (c) 2007 - 2008 Red Hat, Inc.  To report bugs please use the NetworkManager mailing list.
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:    ifcfg-rh: parsing /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-lo ... 
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  WiFi enabled by radio killswitch; enabled by state file
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  WWAN enabled by radio killswitch; enabled by state file
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  WiMAX enabled by radio killswitch; enabled by state file
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  Networking is enabled by state file
localhost kernel: 802.1Q VLAN Support v1.8 Ben Greear 
localhost kernel: All bugs added by David S. Miller 
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  (eth1): carrier is OFF
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  (eth1): new Ethernet device (driver: 'vmxnet' ifindex: 2)
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  (eth1): exported as /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/0
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  (eth1): now managed
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  (eth1): device state change: unmanaged -> unavailable (reason 'managed') [1 2 2]
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  (eth1): bringing up device.
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  (eth1): carrier now ON (device state 2)
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  (eth1): preparing device.
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  (eth1): deactivating device (reason 'managed') [2]
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  (eth1): carrier now OFF (device state 2)
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  (eth1): carrier now ON (device state 2)
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  modem-manager is now available
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  Trying to start the supplicant...
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  (eth1): device state change: unavailable -> disconnected (reason 'none') [2 3 0]
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  Auto-activating connection 'ADSL'.
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  Activation (eth1) starting connection 'ADSL'
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  (eth1): device state change: disconnected -> prepare (reason 'none') [3 4 0]
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  Activation (eth1) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) scheduled...
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  Activation (eth1) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) started...
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  Activation (eth1) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) scheduled...
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  Activation (eth1) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) complete.
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  Activation (eth1) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) starting...
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  (eth1): device state change: prepare -> config (reason 'none') [4 5 0]
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  Activation (eth1) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) successful.
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  Activation (eth1) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) scheduled.
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  Activation (eth1) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) complete.
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  Activation (eth1) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) started...
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  (eth1): device state change: config -> ip-config (reason 'none') [5 7 0]
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  (eth1): PPPoE failed to start: Could not find pppoe binary.
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  (eth1): device state change: ip-config -> failed (reason 'ppp-start-failed') [7 9 12]
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  Activation (eth1) failed.
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  Activation (eth1) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) complete.
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  (eth1): device state change: failed -> disconnected (reason 'none') [9 3 0]
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  (eth1): deactivating device (reason 'none') [0]
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  wpa_supplicant started
localhost console-kit-daemon[2290]: WARNING: Unable to create directory /var/log/ConsoleKit (Permission denied)
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  Auto-activating connection 'ADSL'.
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  Activation (eth1) starting connection 'ADSL'
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  (eth1): device state change: disconnected -> prepare (reason 'none') [3 4 0]
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  Activation (eth1) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) scheduled...
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  Activation (eth1) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) started...
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  (eth1) delaying PPPoE reconnect to ensure peer is ready...
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  Activation (eth1) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) complete.
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  Activation (eth1) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) scheduled...
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  (eth1) PPPoE reconnect delay complete, resuming connection...
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  Activation (eth1) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) starting...
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  (eth1): device state change: prepare -> config (reason 'none') [4 5 0]
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  Activation (eth1) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) successful.
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  Activation (eth1) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) scheduled.
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  Activation (eth1) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) complete.
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  Activation (eth1) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) started...
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  (eth1): device state change: config -> ip-config (reason 'none') [5 7 0]
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  (eth1): PPPoE failed to start: Could not find pppoe binary.
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  (eth1): device state change: ip-config -> failed (reason 'ppp-start-failed') [7 9 12]
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  Activation (eth1) failed.
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  Activation (eth1) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) complete.
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  (eth1): device state change: failed -> disconnected (reason 'none') [9 3 0]
localhost NetworkManager[1742]:  (eth1): deactivating device (reason 'none') [0]

Update List

Dependencies Resolved

 Package                         Arch   Version                   Repository
 kernel                          i686   2.6.32-504.el6            base     27 M
 kernel-devel                    i686   2.6.32-504.el6            base    9.3 M
 sssd-common                     i686   1.11.6-30.el6             base    825 k
     replacing  libsss_autofs.i686 1.9.2-129.el6_5.4
 NetworkManager                  i686   1:0.8.1-75.el6            base    1.1 M
 NetworkManager-devel            i686   1:0.8.1-75.el6            base    283 k
 NetworkManager-glib             i686   1:0.8.1-75.el6            base    231 k
 NetworkManager-glib-devel       i686   1:0.8.1-75.el6            base    284 k
 NetworkManager-gnome            i686   1:0.8.1-75.el6            base    468 k
 ORBit2                          i686   2.14.17-5.el6             base    162 k
 ORBit2-devel                    i686   2.14.17-5.el6             base    173 k
 PackageKit                      i686   0.5.8-23.el6              base    522 k
 PackageKit-device-rebind        i686   0.5.8-23.el6              base     96 k
 PackageKit-glib                 i686   0.5.8-23.el6              base    216 k
 PackageKit-gstreamer-plugin     i686   0.5.8-23.el6              base     96 k
 PackageKit-gtk-module           i686   0.5.8-23.el6              base     95 k
 PackageKit-yum                  i686   0.5.8-23.el6              base    156 k
 PackageKit-yum-plugin           i686   0.5.8-23.el6              base     92 k
 abrt                            i686   2.0.8-26.el6.centos       base    210 k
 abrt-addon-ccpp                 i686   2.0.8-26.el6.centos       base    117 k
 abrt-addon-kerneloops           i686   2.0.8-26.el6.centos       base     68 k
 abrt-addon-python               i686   2.0.8-26.el6.centos       base     65 k
 abrt-cli                        i686   2.0.8-26.el6.centos       base     55 k
 abrt-desktop                    i686   2.0.8-26.el6.centos       base     55 k
 abrt-gui                        i686   2.0.8-26.el6.centos       base    151 k
 abrt-libs                       i686   2.0.8-26.el6.centos       base     65 k
 abrt-tui                        i686   2.0.8-26.el6.centos       base     62 k
 alsa-utils                      i686   1.0.22-7.el6              base    2.0 M
 at                              i686   3.1.10-44.el6_6.2         updates  59 k
 audit                           i686   2.3.7-5.el6               base    206 k
 audit-libs                      i686   2.3.7-5.el6               base     72 k
 authconfig                      i686   6.1.12-19.el6             base    377 k
 authconfig-gtk                  i686   6.1.12-19.el6             base     68 k
 autocorr-en                     noarch 1:          base    118 k
 autocorr-zh                     noarch 1:          base    104 k
 autofs                          i686   1:5.0.5-109.el6           base    721 k
 avahi                           i686   0.6.25-15.el6             base    216 k
 avahi-autoipd                   i686   0.6.25-15.el6             base     34 k
 avahi-glib                      i686   0.6.25-15.el6             base     20 k
 avahi-gobject                   i686   0.6.25-15.el6             base     29 k
 avahi-libs                      i686   0.6.25-15.el6             base     55 k
 avahi-ui                        i686   0.6.25-15.el6             base     32 k
 bash                            i686   4.1.2-29.el6              base    889 k
 bfa-firmware                    noarch            base    3.2 M
 bind-libs                       i686   32:9.8.2-0.30.rc1.el6     base    894 k
 bind-utils                      i686   32:9.8.2-0.30.rc1.el6     base    184 k
 binutils                        i686      base    2.8 M
 biosdevname                     i686   0.5.1-1.el6               base     33 k
 boost-filesystem                i686   1.41.0-25.el6             base     46 k
 boost-program-options           i686   1.41.0-25.el6             base    110 k
 boost-regex                     i686   1.41.0-25.el6             base    479 k
 boost-system                    i686   1.41.0-25.el6             base     26 k
 boost-thread                    i686   1.41.0-25.el6             base     43 k
 c-ares                          i686   1.10.0-3.el6              base     75 k
 ca-certificates                 noarch 2014.1.98-65.1.el6        base    1.1 M
 ccid                            i686   1.3.9-7.el6               base    122 k
 centos-indexhtml                noarch 6-2.el6.centos            base     91 k
 centos-release                  i686   6-6.el6.centos.12.2       base     21 k
 certmonger                      i686   0.75.13-1.el6             base    431 k
 coreutils                       i686   8.4-37.el6                base    3.0 M
 coreutils-libs                  i686   8.4-37.el6                base     50 k
 cpp                             i686   4.4.7-11.el6              base    3.4 M
 crash-trace-command             i686   1.0-5.el6                 base     27 k
 crda                            i686   1.1.3_2014.06.13-1.el6    base     23 k
 cryptsetup-luks                 i686   1.2.0-11.el6              base     94 k
 cryptsetup-luks-libs            i686   1.2.0-11.el6              base     52 k
 cups-libs                       i686   1:1.4.2-67.el6            base    329 k
 cyrus-sasl                      i686   2.1.23-15.el6             base     78 k
 cyrus-sasl-gssapi               i686   2.1.23-15.el6             base     34 k
 cyrus-sasl-lib                  i686   2.1.23-15.el6             base    136 k
 cyrus-sasl-md5                  i686   2.1.23-15.el6             base     47 k
 cyrus-sasl-plain                i686   2.1.23-15.el6             base     31 k
 devhelp                         i686   2.28.1-6.el6              base    186 k
 device-mapper                   i686   1.02.90-2.el6             base    172 k
 device-mapper-event             i686   1.02.90-2.el6             base    122 k
 device-mapper-event-libs        i686   1.02.90-2.el6             base    115 k
 device-mapper-libs              i686   1.02.90-2.el6             base    215 k
 device-mapper-persistent-data   i686   0.3.2-1.el6               base    2.6 M
 dhclient                        i686   12:4.1.1-43.P1.el6.centos base    317 k
 dhcp-common                     i686   12:4.1.1-43.P1.el6.centos base    143 k
 dnsmasq                         i686   2.48-14.el6               base    145 k
 dracut                          noarch 004-356.el6               base    123 k
 dracut-kernel                   noarch 004-356.el6               base     25 k
 e2fsprogs                       i686   1.41.12-21.el6            base    554 k
 e2fsprogs-libs                  i686   1.41.12-21.el6            base    128 k
 efibootmgr                      i686   0.5.4-12.el6              base     38 k
 elfutils                        i686   0.158-3.2.el6             base    248 k
 elfutils-libelf                 i686   0.158-3.2.el6             base    189 k
 elfutils-libs                   i686   0.158-3.2.el6             base    232 k
 ethtool                         i686   2:3.5-5.el6               base     98 k
 evolution                       i686   2.32.3-34.el6             base    9.4 M
 evolution-data-server           i686   2.32.3-21.el6             base    2.6 M
 evolution-help                  noarch 2.32.3-34.el6             base     17 M
 file                            i686   5.04-21.el6               base     47 k
 file-libs                       i686   5.04-21.el6               base    316 k
 file-roller                     i686   2.28.2-7.el6              base    1.1 M
 flex                            i686   2.5.35-9.el6              base    278 k
 fontconfig                      i686   2.8.0-5.el6               base    186 k
 fontconfig-devel                i686   2.8.0-5.el6               base    209 k
 gcc                             i686   4.4.7-11.el6              base    8.2 M
 gcc-c++                         i686   4.4.7-11.el6              base    4.3 M
 gcc-gfortran                    i686   4.4.7-11.el6              base    4.1 M
 gcc-objc                        i686   4.4.7-11.el6              base    3.2 M
 gcc-objc++                      i686   4.4.7-11.el6              base    3.6 M
 gdb                             i686   7.2-75.el6                base    2.3 M
 gdm                             i686   1:2.30.4-64.el6           base    1.0 M
 gdm-libs                        i686   1:2.30.4-64.el6           base    100 k
 gdm-plugin-fingerprint          i686   1:2.30.4-64.el6           base    101 k
 gdm-user-switch-applet          i686   1:2.30.4-64.el6           base    110 k
 gettext                         i686   0.17-18.el6               base    1.8 M
 gettext-devel                   i686   0.17-18.el6               base    154 k
 gettext-libs                    i686   0.17-18.el6               base    110 k
 ghostscript-fonts               noarch 5.50-23.2.el6             base    590 k
 gimp                            i686   2:2.6.9-7.el6             base     12 M
 gimp-devel                      i686   2:2.6.9-7.el6             base    1.0 M
 gimp-devel-tools                i686   2:2.6.9-7.el6             base     58 k
 gimp-libs                       i686   2:2.6.9-7.el6             base    510 k
 glib2                           i686   2.28.8-4.el6              base    1.7 M
 glib2-devel                     i686   2.28.8-4.el6              base    298 k
 glib2-static                    i686   2.28.8-4.el6              base    1.0 M
 glibc                           i686   2.12-1.149.el6            base    4.3 M
 glibc-common                    i686   2.12-1.149.el6            base     14 M
 glibc-devel                     i686   2.12-1.149.el6            base    983 k
 glibc-headers                   i686   2.12-1.149.el6            base    619 k
 glibc-static                    i686   2.12-1.149.el6            base    1.1 M
 glibc-utils                     i686   2.12-1.149.el6            base    167 k
 glx-utils                       i686   10.1.2-2.el6              base     24 k
 gnome-packagekit                i686   2.28.3-9.el6              base    2.5 M
 gnome-session                   i686   2.28.0-22.el6             base    437 k
 gnome-session-xsession          i686   2.28.0-22.el6             base     30 k
 gnupg2                          i686   2.0.14-8.el6              base    1.6 M
 grep                            i686   2.6.3-6.el6               base    228 k
 grub                            i686   1:0.97-93.el6             base    930 k
 grubby                          i686   7.0.15-7.el6              base     42 k
 gtk2                            i686   2.24.23-6.el6             base    3.2 M
 gtk2-devel                      i686   2.24.23-6.el6             base    2.6 M
 gtk2-devel-docs                 i686   2.24.23-6.el6             base    2.6 M
 gtk2-immodule-xim               i686   2.24.23-6.el6             base     64 k
 gtk2-immodules                  i686   2.24.23-6.el6             base     70 k
 gvfs                            i686   1.4.3-18.el6              base    919 k
 gvfs-afc                        i686   1.4.3-18.el6              base     80 k
 gvfs-archive                    i686   1.4.3-18.el6              base     65 k
 gvfs-fuse                       i686   1.4.3-18.el6              base     30 k
 gvfs-gphoto2                    i686   1.4.3-18.el6              base     88 k
 gvfs-obexftp                    i686   1.4.3-18.el6              base     72 k
 gvfs-smb                        i686   1.4.3-18.el6              base     92 k
 gzip                            i686   1.3.12-22.el6             base    114 k
 hal                             i686   0.5.14-14.el6             base    378 k
 hal-devel                       i686   0.5.14-14.el6             base     41 k
 hal-libs                        i686   0.5.14-14.el6             base     68 k
 hal-storage-addon               i686   0.5.14-14.el6             base     41 k
 hplip-common                    i686   3.12.4-6.el6              base     74 k
 hplip-libs                      i686   3.12.4-6.el6              base    142 k
 hwdata                          noarch 0.233-11.1.el6            base    1.2 M
 ibus-table                      noarch      base    243 k
 ibus-table-additional           noarch      base     40 k
 initscripts                     i686   9.03.46-1.el6.centos      base    943 k
 ipa-client                      i686   3.0.0-42.el6.centos       base    144 k
 ipa-python                      i686   3.0.0-42.el6.centos       base    928 k
 iptables                        i686   1.4.7-14.el6              base    248 k
 iptables-ipv6                   i686   1.4.7-14.el6              base     98 k
 irqbalance                      i686   2:1.0.4-10.el6            base     38 k
 java-1.6.0-openjdk              i686   1: updates  42 M
 kernel-firmware                 noarch 2.6.32-504.el6            base     14 M
 kernel-headers                  i686   2.6.32-504.el6            base    3.3 M
 kexec-tools                     i686   2.0.0-280.el6             base    330 k
 keyutils                        i686   1.4-5.el6                 base     38 k
 keyutils-libs                   i686   1.4-5.el6                 base     20 k
 keyutils-libs-devel             i686   1.4-5.el6                 base     29 k
 kpartx                          i686   0.4.9-80.el6              base     63 k
 krb5-devel                      i686   1.10.3-33.el6             base    497 k
 krb5-libs                       i686   1.10.3-33.el6             base    773 k
 krb5-pkinit-openssl             i686   1.10.3-33.el6             base    122 k
 krb5-workstation                i686   1.10.3-33.el6             base    806 k
 ledmon                          i686   0.79-1.el6                base     49 k
 less                            i686   436-13.el6                base    108 k
 libX11                          i686   1.6.0-2.2.el6             base    591 k
 libX11-common                   noarch 1.6.0-2.2.el6             base    192 k
 libX11-devel                    i686   1.6.0-2.2.el6             base    982 k
 libXcursor                      i686   1.1.14-2.1.el6            base     28 k
 libXcursor-devel                i686   1.1.14-2.1.el6            base     23 k
 libXext                         i686   1.3.2-2.1.el6             base     35 k
 libXext-devel                   i686   1.3.2-2.1.el6             base     74 k
 libXfixes                       i686   5.0.1-2.1.el6             base     16 k
 libXfixes-devel                 i686   5.0.1-2.1.el6             base     13 k
 libXi                           i686   1.7.2-2.2.el6             base     37 k
 libXi-devel                     i686   1.7.2-2.2.el6             base    104 k
 libXinerama                     i686   1.1.3-2.1.el6             base     13 k
 libXinerama-devel               i686   1.1.3-2.1.el6             base     13 k
 libXrandr                       i686   1.4.1-2.1.el6             base     23 k
 libXrandr-devel                 i686   1.4.1-2.1.el6             base     21 k
 libXrender                      i686   0.9.8-2.1.el6             base     23 k
 libXrender-devel                i686   0.9.8-2.1.el6             base     17 k
 libXres                         i686   1.0.7-2.1.el6             base     12 k
 libXt                           i686   1.1.4-6.1.el6             base    159 k
 libXt-devel                     i686   1.1.4-6.1.el6             base    454 k
 libXtst                         i686   1.2.2-2.1.el6             base     19 k
 libXtst-devel                   i686   1.2.2-2.1.el6             base     16 k
 libXv                           i686   1.0.9-2.1.el6             base     16 k
 libXv-devel                     i686   1.0.9-2.1.el6             base     39 k
 libXvMC                         i686   1.0.8-2.1.el6             base     20 k
 libXxf86dga                     i686   1.1.4-2.1.el6             base     17 k
 libXxf86vm                      i686   1.1.3-2.1.el6             base     16 k
 libXxf86vm-devel                i686   1.1.3-2.1.el6             base     18 k
 libblkid                        i686   2.17.2-12.18.el6          base    120 k
 libcollection                   i686   0.6.2-11.el6              base     37 k
 libcom_err                      i686   1.41.12-21.el6            base     37 k
 libcom_err-devel                i686   1.41.12-21.el6            base     32 k
 libdhash                        i686   0.4.3-11.el6              base     24 k
 libdmx                          i686   1.1.3-3.el6               base     15 k
 libdrm                          i686   2.4.52-4.el6              base    126 k
 libdrm-devel                    i686   2.4.52-4.el6              base     86 k
 libgcc                          i686   4.4.7-11.el6              base    113 k
 libgcj                          i686   4.4.7-11.el6              base     17 M
 libgfortran                     i686   4.4.7-11.el6              base    245 k
 libgomp                         i686   4.4.7-11.el6              base    135 k
 libgudev1                       i686   147-2.57.el6              base     62 k
 libibverbs                      i686   1.1.8-3.el6               base     53 k
 libini_config                   i686   1.1.0-11.el6              base     47 k
 libipa_hbac                     i686   1.11.6-30.el6             base     94 k
 libipa_hbac-python              i686   1.11.6-30.el6             base     88 k
 libmlx4                         i686   1.0.6-6.el6               base     34 k
 libmlx4-static                  i686   1.0.6-6.el6               base     22 k
 libmudflap                      i686   4.4.7-11.el6              base    108 k
 libmudflap-devel                i686   4.4.7-11.el6              base    132 k
 libobjc                         i686   4.4.7-11.el6              base     91 k
 libpath_utils                   i686   0.2.1-11.el6              base     24 k
 libpciaccess                    i686   0.13.3-0.1.el6            base     26 k
 libproxy                        i686   0.3.0-10.el6              base     39 k
 libproxy-bin                    i686   0.3.0-10.el6              base    8.9 k
 libproxy-python                 i686   0.3.0-10.el6              base    9.2 k
 libref_array                    i686   0.1.4-11.el6              base     23 k
 libreoffice-calc                i686   1:          base    7.5 M
 libreoffice-core                i686   1:          base     66 M
 libreoffice-draw                i686   1:          base    677 k
 libreoffice-graphicfilter       i686   1:          base    345 k
 libreoffice-impress             i686   1:          base    1.3 M
 libreoffice-langpack-en         i686   1:          base    7.8 k
 libreoffice-langpack-zh-Hans    i686   1:          base     13 M
 libreoffice-langpack-zh-Hant    i686   1:          base     13 M
 libreoffice-math                i686   1:          base    1.0 M
 libreoffice-opensymbol-fonts    noarch 1:          base    182 k
 libreoffice-pdfimport           i686   1:          base    222 k
 libreoffice-ure                 i686   1:          base    2.5 M
 libreoffice-writer              i686   1:          base    5.1 M
 libreoffice-xsltfilter          i686   1:          base    213 k
 libreport                       i686   2.0.9-21.el6.centos       base    246 k
 libreport-cli                   i686   2.0.9-21.el6.centos       base     23 k
 libreport-compat                i686   2.0.9-21.el6.centos       base     16 k
 libreport-gtk                   i686   2.0.9-21.el6.centos       base     44 k
 libreport-newt                  i686   2.0.9-21.el6.centos       base     18 k
 libreport-plugin-kerneloops     i686   2.0.9-21.el6.centos       base     19 k
 libreport-plugin-logger         i686   2.0.9-21.el6.centos       base     21 k
 libreport-plugin-mailx          i686   2.0.9-21.el6.centos       base     22 k
 libreport-plugin-reportuploader i686   2.0.9-21.el6.centos       base     24 k
 libreport-plugin-rhtsupport     i686   2.0.9-21.el6.centos       base     31 k
 libreport-python                i686   2.0.9-21.el6.centos       base     35 k
 librsvg2                        i686   2.26.0-14.el6             base    141 k
 libselinux                      i686   2.0.94-5.8.el6            base    109 k
 libselinux-devel                i686   2.0.94-5.8.el6            base    137 k
 libselinux-python               i686   2.0.94-5.8.el6            base    199 k
 libselinux-utils                i686   2.0.94-5.8.el6            base     82 k
 libsmbclient                    i686   3.6.23-12.el6             base    1.6 M
 libsmbclient-devel              i686   3.6.23-12.el6             base     85 k
 libsoup                         i686   2.34.3-2.el6              base    187 k
 libss                           i686   1.41.12-21.el6            base     41 k
 libsss_idmap                    i686   1.11.6-30.el6             base     98 k
 libstdc++                       i686   4.4.7-11.el6              base    301 k
 libstdc++-devel                 i686   4.4.7-11.el6              base    1.6 M
 libstdc++-docs                  i686   4.4.7-11.el6              base     14 M
 libtirpc                        i686   0.2.1-10.el6              base     78 k
 libudev                         i686   147-2.57.el6              base     77 k
 libuuid                         i686   2.17.2-12.18.el6          base     69 k
 libvirt-client                  i686   0.10.2-46.el6_6.1         updates 4.0 M
 libvisual                       i686   0.4.0-10.el6              base    135 k
 libwacom                        i686   0.8-1.el6                 base     24 k
 libwacom-data                   noarch 0.8-1.el6                 base     36 k
 libwmf                          i686            base    131 k
 libwmf-lite                     i686            base     52 k
 libxcb                          i686   1.9.1-2.el6               base    115 k
 libxcb-devel                    i686   1.9.1-2.el6               base    1.0 M
 libxcb-doc                      noarch 1.9.1-2.el6               base    6.4 M
 libxcb-python                   i686   1.9.1-2.el6               base    128 k
 libxml2                         i686   2.7.6-17.el6_6.1          updates 801 k
 libxml2-devel                   i686   2.7.6-17.el6_6.1          updates 1.1 M
 libxml2-python                  i686   2.7.6-17.el6_6.1          updates 315 k
 libxml2-static                  i686   2.7.6-17.el6_6.1          updates 549 k
 ltrace                          i686   0.5-28.45svn.el6          base     73 k
 lvm2                            i686   2.02.111-2.el6            base    826 k
 lvm2-libs                       i686   2.02.111-2.el6            base    919 k
 man-pages-overrides             noarch 6.6.3-2.el6               base    1.4 M
 mdadm                           i686   3.3-6.el6                 base    350 k
 mesa-dri-drivers                i686   10.1.2-2.el6              base     13 M
 mesa-dri-filesystem             i686   10.1.2-2.el6              base     16 k
 mesa-libEGL                     i686   10.1.2-2.el6              base     55 k
 mesa-libGL                      i686   10.1.2-2.el6              base    128 k
 mesa-libGL-devel                i686   10.1.2-2.el6              base    483 k
 mesa-libGLU                     i686   10.1.2-2.el6              base    194 k
 mesa-libGLU-devel               i686   10.1.2-2.el6              base     83 k
 mesa-libgbm                     i686   10.1.2-2.el6              base     25 k
 mesa-private-llvm               i686   3.4-3.el6                 base    5.9 M
 microcode_ctl                   i686   1:1.17-19.el6             base    676 k
 mobile-broadband-provider-info  noarch 1.20100122-4.el6          base     26 k
 module-init-tools               i686   3.9-24.el6                base    456 k
 mutt                            i686   5:1.5.20-7.20091214hg736b6a.el6
                                                                  base    1.2 M
 net-snmp                        i686   1:5.5-50.el6_6.1          updates 305 k
 net-snmp-libs                   i686   1:5.5-50.el6_6.1          updates 1.5 M
 nfs-utils                       i686   1:1.2.3-54.el6            base    328 k
 nfs-utils-lib                   i686   1.1.5-9.el6               base     66 k
 nss                             i686   3.16.1-14.el6             base    839 k
 nss-softokn                     i686   3.14.3-17.el6             base    269 k
 nss-softokn-freebl              i686   3.14.3-17.el6             base    153 k
 nss-sysinit                     i686   3.16.1-14.el6             base     43 k
 nss-tools                       i686   3.16.1-14.el6             base    431 k
 nss-util                        i686   3.16.1-3.el6              base     65 k
 numactl                         i686   2.0.9-2.el6               base     69 k
 openldap                        i686   2.4.39-8.el6              base    282 k
 openssh                         i686   5.3p1-104.el6             base    274 k
 openssh-askpass                 i686   5.3p1-104.el6             base     56 k
 openssh-clients                 i686   5.3p1-104.el6             base    442 k
 openssh-ldap                    i686   5.3p1-104.el6             base     79 k
 openssh-server                  i686   5.3p1-104.el6             base    320 k
 openssl                         i686   1.0.1e-30.el6_6.2         updates 1.5 M
 openssl-devel                   i686   1.0.1e-30.el6_6.2         updates 1.2 M
 openssl-perl                    i686   1.0.1e-30.el6_6.2         updates  52 k
 openssl-static                  i686   1.0.1e-30.el6_6.2         updates 1.0 M
 openswan                        i686   2.6.32-37.el6             base    895 k
 openswan-doc                    i686   2.6.32-37.el6             base    344 k
 pam                             i686   1.1.1-20.el6              base    660 k
 pango                           i686   1.28.1-10.el6             base    351 k
 pango-devel                     i686   1.28.1-10.el6             base    276 k
 parted                          i686   2.1-25.el6                base    595 k
 pciutils                        i686   3.1.10-4.el6              base     85 k
 pciutils-libs                   i686   3.1.10-4.el6              base     34 k
 pcsc-lite                       i686   1.5.2-14.el6              base    128 k
 pcsc-lite-libs                  i686   1.5.2-14.el6              base     27 k
 perl-WWW-Curl                   i686   4.09-4.el6                base     47 k
 pixman                          i686   0.32.4-4.el6              base    234 k
 pixman-devel                    i686   0.32.4-4.el6              base     20 k
 pm-utils                        i686   1.2.5-11.el6              base    108 k
 policycoreutils                 i686   2.0.83-19.47.el6_6.1      updates 645 k
 polkit                          i686   0.96-7.el6                base    160 k
 polkit-desktop-policy           noarch 0.96-7.el6                base    7.5 k
 polkit-gnome                    i686   0.96-4.el6                base     88 k
 procps                          i686   3.2.8-30.el6              base    213 k
 pulseaudio                      i686   0.9.21-17.el6             base    529 k
 pulseaudio-esound-compat        i686   0.9.21-17.el6             base     19 k
 pulseaudio-gdm-hooks            i686   0.9.21-17.el6             base     17 k
 pulseaudio-libs                 i686   0.9.21-17.el6             base    454 k
 pulseaudio-libs-devel           i686   0.9.21-17.el6             base    297 k
 pulseaudio-libs-glib2           i686   0.9.21-17.el6             base     23 k
 pulseaudio-libs-zeroconf        i686   0.9.21-17.el6             base     27 k
 pulseaudio-module-bluetooth     i686   0.9.21-17.el6             base     69 k
 pulseaudio-module-gconf         i686   0.9.21-17.el6             base     24 k
 pulseaudio-module-x11           i686   0.9.21-17.el6             base     30 k
 pulseaudio-module-zeroconf      i686   0.9.21-17.el6             base     45 k
 pulseaudio-utils                i686   0.9.21-17.el6             base     70 k
 python-kerberos                 i686   1.1-7.el6                 base     22 k
 pywebkitgtk                     i686   1.1.6-4.el6               base     49 k
 rsync                           i686   3.0.6-12.el6              base    329 k
 rsyslog                         i686   5.8.10-9.el6_6            updates 656 k
 samba-client                    i686   3.6.23-12.el6             base     11 M
 samba-common                    i686   3.6.23-12.el6             base    9.9 M
 samba-winbind                   i686   3.6.23-12.el6             base    2.2 M
 samba-winbind-clients           i686   3.6.23-12.el6             base    2.0 M
 samba4-libs                     i686   4.0.0-64.el6.rc4          base    4.0 M
 scl-utils                       i686   20120927-23.el6_6         updates  22 k
 selinux-policy                  noarch 3.7.19-260.el6            base    863 k
 selinux-policy-targeted         noarch 3.7.19-260.el6            base    3.0 M
 sg3_utils-libs                  i686   1.28-6.el6                base     50 k
 sgml-common                     noarch 0.6.3-33.el6              base     43 k
 shadow-utils                    i686   2:          base    898 k
 shared-mime-info                i686   0.70-6.el6                base    209 k
 sos                             noarch 2.2-68.el6.centos         base    247 k
 squid                           i686   7:3.1.10-29.el6           base    1.7 M
 sssd                            i686   1.11.6-30.el6             base     88 k
 sssd-client                     i686   1.11.6-30.el6             base    128 k
 strace                          i686   4.5.19-1.19.el6           base    169 k
 sudo                            i686   1.8.6p3-15.el6            base    697 k
 sysstat                         i686   9.0.4-27.el6              base    226 k
 system-config-firewall          noarch 1.2.27-7.1.el6            base    121 k
 system-config-firewall-base     noarch 1.2.27-7.1.el6            base    433 k
 system-config-firewall-tui      noarch 1.2.27-7.1.el6            base     39 k
 system-config-kdump             noarch 2.0.5-18.el6              base    454 k
 system-config-keyboard          i686   1.3.1-6.el6               base     33 k
 system-config-keyboard-base     i686   1.3.1-6.el6               base     96 k
 systemtap-runtime               i686   2.5-5.el6                 base    199 k
 telnet                          i686   1:0.17-48.el6             base     57 k
 telnet-server                   i686   1:0.17-48.el6             base     37 k
 tigervnc-server-module          i686   1.1.0-16.el6              base    214 k
 trace-cmd                       i686   1.0.5-11.el6              base     98 k
 tzdata                          noarch 2014i-1.el6               updates 450 k
 tzdata-java                     noarch 2014i-1.el6               updates 176 k
 udev                            i686   147-2.57.el6              base    357 k
 util-linux-ng                   i686   2.17.2-12.18.el6          base    1.6 M
 valgrind                        i686   1:3.8.1-3.7.el6           base     30 M
 vte                             i686   0.25.1-9.el6              base    354 k
 vte-devel                       i686   0.25.1-9.el6              base    213 k
 webkitgtk                       i686   1.4.3-8.el6               base    6.4 M
 wget                            i686   1.12-5.el6                base    483 k
 wireshark                       i686   1.8.10-8.el6_6            updates  10 M
 wireshark-devel                 i686   1.8.10-8.el6_6            updates 905 k
 wireshark-gnome                 i686   1.8.10-8.el6_6            updates 843 k
 xcb-util                        i686   0.3.6-5.el6               base     25 k
 xkeyboard-config                noarch 2.11-1.el6                base    749 k
 xml-common                      noarch 0.6.3-33.el6              base     18 k
 xorg-x11-apps                   i686   7.7-6.el6                 base    271 k
 xorg-x11-drv-acecad             i686   1.5.0-7.el6               base     15 k
 xorg-x11-drv-aiptek             i686   1.4.1-5.el6               base     19 k
 xorg-x11-drv-apm                i686   1.2.5-10.el6              base     24 k
 xorg-x11-drv-ast                i686   0.98.0-1.el6              base     36 k
 xorg-x11-drv-ati                i686   7.3.99-2.el6              base    154 k
 xorg-x11-drv-ati-firmware       noarch 7.3.99-2.el6              base    903 k
 xorg-x11-drv-cirrus             i686   1.5.2-2.el6               base     34 k
 xorg-x11-drv-dummy              i686   0.3.6-15.el6              base     14 k
 xorg-x11-drv-elographics        i686   1.4.1-3.el6               base     14 k
 xorg-x11-drv-evdev              i686   2.8.2-4.el6               base     42 k
 xorg-x11-drv-fbdev              i686   0.4.3-16.el6              base     18 k
 xorg-x11-drv-fpit               i686   1.4.0-6.el6               base     14 k
 xorg-x11-drv-geode              i686   2.11.15-1.el6             base    119 k
 xorg-x11-drv-glint              i686   1.2.8-10.el6              base     58 k
 xorg-x11-drv-hyperpen           i686   1.4.1-5.el6               base     14 k
 xorg-x11-drv-i128               i686   1.3.6-10.el6              base     29 k
 xorg-x11-drv-i740               i686   1.3.4-11.el6              base     27 k
 xorg-x11-drv-intel              i686   2.99.911-6.el6            base    604 k
 xorg-x11-drv-keyboard           i686   1.8.0-1.el6               base     17 k
 xorg-x11-drv-mach64             i686   6.9.4-8.el6               base     70 k
 xorg-x11-drv-mga                i686   1.6.3-5.el6               base     75 k
 xorg-x11-drv-modesetting        i686   0.8.0-14.el6              base     26 k
 xorg-x11-drv-mouse              i686   1.9.0-1.el6               base     32 k
 xorg-x11-drv-mutouch            i686   1.3.0-5.el6               base     14 k
 xorg-x11-drv-neomagic           i686   1.2.7-7.el6               base     33 k
 xorg-x11-drv-nouveau            i686   1:1.0.10-1.el6            base     88 k
 xorg-x11-drv-nv                 i686   2.1.20-5.el6              base     80 k
 xorg-x11-drv-openchrome         i686   0.3.3-6.el6               base    162 k
 xorg-x11-drv-penmount           i686   1.5.0-5.el6               base     13 k
 xorg-x11-drv-qxl                i686   0.1.1-15.el6              base     91 k
 xorg-x11-drv-r128               i686   6.9.1-8.el6               base     39 k
 xorg-x11-drv-rendition          i686   4.2.5-10.el6              base     25 k
 xorg-x11-drv-s3virge            i686   1.10.6-10.el6             base     38 k
 xorg-x11-drv-savage             i686   2.3.7-2.el6               base     50 k
 xorg-x11-drv-siliconmotion      i686   1.7.7-9.el6               base     54 k
 xorg-x11-drv-sis                i686   0.10.7-10.el6             base    241 k
 xorg-x11-drv-sisusb             i686   0.9.6-10.el6              base     43 k
 xorg-x11-drv-synaptics          i686   1.7.6-1.el6               base     72 k
 xorg-x11-drv-tdfx               i686   1.4.5-10.el6              base     32 k
 xorg-x11-drv-trident            i686   1.3.6-10.el6              base     58 k
 xorg-x11-drv-v4l                i686   0.2.0-36.el6              base     19 k
 xorg-x11-drv-vesa               i686   2.3.2-15.el6              base     22 k
 xorg-x11-drv-vmmouse            i686   13.0.0-2.el6              base     18 k
 xorg-x11-drv-vmware             i686   13.0.1-9.el6              base     33 k
 xorg-x11-drv-void               i686   1.4.0-23.el6              base     13 k
 xorg-x11-drv-voodoo             i686   1.2.5-10.el6              base     19 k
 xorg-x11-drv-wacom              i686   0.23.0-4.el6              base    257 k
 xorg-x11-drv-xgi                i686   1.6.0-20.20121114git.el6  base    120 k
 xorg-x11-glamor                 i686   0.6.0-5.20140506gitf78901e.el6
                                                                  base    100 k
 xorg-x11-proto-devel            noarch 7.7-9.el6                 base    286 k
 xorg-x11-server-Xephyr          i686   1.15.0-22.el6.centos      base    891 k
 xorg-x11-server-Xorg            i686   1.15.0-22.el6.centos      base    1.3 M
 xorg-x11-server-common          i686   1.15.0-22.el6.centos      base     49 k
 xorg-x11-server-source          noarch 1.15.0-22.el6.centos      base    2.4 M
 xorg-x11-server-utils           i686   7.7-2.el6                 base    151 k
 xz                              i686   4.999.9-0.5.beta.20091007git.el6
                                                                  base    137 k
 xz-libs                         i686   4.999.9-0.5.beta.20091007git.el6
                                                                  base     94 k
 xz-lzma-compat                  i686   4.999.9-0.5.beta.20091007git.el6
                                                                  base     16 k
 yum                             noarch 3.2.29-60.el6.centos      base    1.0 M
 yum-plugin-fastestmirror        noarch 1.1.30-30.el6             base     31 k
 yum-plugin-security             noarch 1.1.30-30.el6             base     41 k
 yum-utils                       noarch 1.1.30-30.el6             base    110 k
Installing for dependencies:
 gdk-pixbuf2                     i686   2.24.1-5.el6              base    498 k
 gdk-pixbuf2-devel               i686   2.24.1-5.el6              base    188 k
 glib-networking                 i686          base     66 k
 google-crosextra-caladea-fonts  noarch 1.002-0.3.20130214.el6.1  base     92 k
 google-crosextra-carlito-fonts  noarch 1.103-0.1.20130920.el6.1  base    941 k
 libbasicobjects                 i686   0.1.1-11.el6              base     21 k
 python-sssdconfig               noarch 1.11.6-30.el6             base    120 k
 sssd-ad                         i686   1.11.6-30.el6             base    141 k
 sssd-common-pac                 i686   1.11.6-30.el6             base    120 k
 sssd-ipa                        i686   1.11.6-30.el6             base    193 k
 sssd-krb5                       i686   1.11.6-30.el6             base    110 k
 sssd-krb5-common                i686   1.11.6-30.el6             base    158 k
 sssd-ldap                       i686   1.11.6-30.el6             base    166 k
 sssd-proxy                      i686   1.11.6-30.el6             base    115 k
 xcb-util-image                  i686   0.3.9-4.el6               base     12 k
 xcb-util-keysyms                i686   0.3.9-5.el6               base    9.0 k
 xcb-util-wm                     i686   0.3.9-5.el6               base     23 k

Transaction Summary
Install      20 Package(s)
Upgrade     465 Package(s)

Total download size: 564 M
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